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Twisted Sweet Gum Photographer's Stick

Thinking about buying Twisted Sweet Gum Photographer's Stick? Our company has the greatest collection of ItemTitle. Buy the finest-quality of Twisted Sweet Gum Photographer's Stick to your residence with Good Deal and Fast Delivery on eligible products.

Twisted Sweet Gum Photographer's Stick
The Photographer's Stick is a fully functioning walking stick and a versatile monopod, all in one! The secret to the Photographer's Stick is the top that unscrews to reveal a threaded head-a perfect home to steady your camera while you get that award-winning nature shot. Like all of our handcrafted, made-in-America walking sticks and canes, the Photographer's Stick is crafted from the finest materials and time-tested woodworking techniques.

Twisted Sweet Gum Photographer's Stick

  • Made in the USA by our skilled craftsmen
  • Sizing Chart:
  • 48" - 4'6" to 5'4"
  • 55" - 5'4" to 5'11"
  • 58" - above 5'11"

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